Update from 1/15 Meeting

children's charla at the 2013 Medical/Dental Brigade
Buena Vista, Honduras

A big thank you to Heidi Y and Jeff L for coming to the meeting today.
Do Wednesdays at 2pm-3pm work for everyone? Our other option is Wednesdays 1pm-2pm.
Please contact us via email to let us know which meeting time works best for you.

Minutes from our meeting today

Our recruitment goal is a little over 30 members.  If we have at least 30 members going on the brigade, we can apply for a scholarship from Global Brigades to help defer the cost of the trip.

Fundraising & Events
Campus Quad Day is 1/29 noon-1pm (free food and music!)

We have set the dates for our Coffee/Doughnut sale for 1/30 8am-noon or until doughnuts run out. As per rules set by Foothill, we need at least 2 people to man the table at all times.  Any amount of time you can contribute is welcome, but it would be ideal to have 2 hour shifts.  We also need each of you to inquire at one local coffee/doughnut shop to donate, at the very least.  We recommend visiting an independent shop because these tend to have less bureaucracy to muddle through when making decisions like donating food.  PLEASE DO THIS AS OUR FUNDRAISER IS COMING UP SOON!  As of right now we have a whopping 2 people signed up to do this. We have tax-deduction receipts  for you to give to the shop owners who donate.  

We would like to schedule our next flea market at DeAnza College for March 1st.  Please sign-up for time slots under "Events/Fundraisers" on the right.  Last time, there were a few people who signed up to help at the flea market and did not show up.  If you sign up to volunteer at an event, please uphold your commitment. If you cannot make it for whatever reason, email or call us to let us know. 

We are also compiling a list of local fairs and festivals where can sell root beer floats, cans of soda, and/or do face painting.  Please post your ideas of which ones we should look into.

What did you all think about our idea with the raffle?  Please let us know if you would approve of us using funds to put on another raffle, and/or if you can contact businesses who could donate products or services to such a fundraiser.

To help us organize the planning and funds for these events, we would really like to elect a Fundraising Manager or co-Managers.  Anyone who is interested, please email us at fhmedicalbrigades@gmail.com.

**Please remember: Any extra funds that could be used to cover individual costs of the trip will be offered first to those who have contributed the most time and responsibility to the club**

Dr. Schultheis needs help transferring a few boxes from a backroom in Rm 5407 to our storage crate on campus.  She needs volunteers for Tuesday 1/21 @ 2pm.
This should only take an hour max, depending on how many students volunteer to help her.  Please contact her at schultheislisa@foothill.edu

Cross your fingers because on Friday 1/17, Noah will turn in our request for financial assistance from ASFC.  Last year we were awarded $7500, which helped us purchase all of the medicine that we needed to bring on the brigade.  This year we are going to ask for enough money to purchase all of our medicine PLUS pay for each member's initial deposit of $250 (which is due in April - exact date TBA).  We will let you know the results of that when we find out!

Thanks and we hope to see you all at the next meeting, or receive emails from everyone with ideas for fundraising, recruitment, and any other comments!


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