Panama 2017

                           Our 2017 Brigaders on the last day of our first mobile clinic! 

At SFO getting ready to leave for Panama!

Our hardworking 2017 presidents! 

Our Compound!

Preparing the medications for our mobile clinic!


Our doctors alongside our passionate brigaders!!

The adorable children with our brigaders!

The beautiful hand-made items !


Our public health days!

Mixing cement!

Some of the children we met on our public health days!

Selfies with our brigaders and staff! (Yes, that's ice-cream!)

Enjoying our coconuts during the hot public health days! Deliciosos! 

Celebrating Karen's birthday with a piñata!

Hanging out with our favorite Panamanian perrita, Loli!

After a hard day's work, we played volleyball!

Having fun & hanging out!

The gorgeous land that is Panama!

On our last day, we went to the Panama Canal! 


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