OBD Representative Needed

Howdy, Brigaders!

I hope everyone has enjoyed their holidays and break these last few weeks. We are hoping to hit the ground running the quarter, with some quick recruitment followed by fundraisers.

In order to make this happen, we need a reliable OBD representative - a member of our club who is able to attend the weekend OBD meeting from 3-4pm on Tuesday afternoons. All of our on-capmus activities and fund requests must be approved through these meetings. Our representative from last quarter has a scheduling conflict, and it is rather critical that someone step up and take over the position.

The first meeting will be this Wednesday, January 8th. If you want more information or are interested in stepping up and taking on this responsibility to help the club out (as well as getting some hands-on experience in the student activities process), please email the co-presidents at fhmedicalbrigades@gmail.com.

Good luck with parking tomorrow!


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