Hey, Brigaders. Here's what happened last meeting and what to look forward to in the near future.

Second De Anza Flea Market on Saturday, June 1st

As stated in last week's post, we will be having our second flea market at De Anza on the first of June. There is now a sign up sheet under the EVENTS section on the right. Please fill your name in the slot you will be available to help. Different ways you can get involved other than coming out include collecting donations and helping to organize/haul items to De Anza. (If you or someone you know has a big truck or van, that would be of some great help!)

While on the topic of fundraisers, something that you can go out and do on your own is reach out to your local markets, pharmacies, crafts/toy stores, etc. and inquire if Brigades at Foothill College would be able to hold a donation drive in front of their business. Not only will we be collecting medications and dental supplies, but we also need children's books, stickers, crayons and the like for our charla. Below I have provided you with last year's medications list and our information brochure. Print these out and ask to see the owner/manager of your local businesses.

Medical 2013 Honduras Brochure

2012 Medication List

Leadership Positions Available 

Unfortunately, it has turned out that our previous Chairs of Education will not be able to participate on this year's brigade due to the brigade date conflicting with their summer schedules. Edgar and Adorina have been an excellent help throughout the year and have agreed to delegate their duties to members coming on the trip this August. This means that if you wish to be in charge of our educational workshops for children while on the brigade, the position is open. We will not require another election, Gabe and I feel that those who come forward and express a genuine desire and motivation to take on this very important role is reason enough to have them become an officer of Medical/Dental Brigades at Foothill College.

Our Co-VPs of Medicine will also be unable to join us on the brigade this August. Although I am still awaiting their response to the possibility of delegating their duties to other members, if you are interested in the position or have questions concerning the responsibilities it entails, please let either Gabe or myself know.

Mandatory Events Approaching

As the date of the brigade is becoming closer each day, there will be a few events that Brigades will require members to attend. These events include:

  • Mock Brigade 
  • Charla Preparation
  • Vitals Signs Workshop
  • Spanish Workshop
  • Infection Control Workshop
  • Medications Packing Day
This looks like a lot! But, rest assured, we will combine these events together so we can get them all done in only two to three meetings. These meetings will be MANDATORY. We will notify you all of the dates in advance so you may plan your schedules accordingly.

See you tomorrow.


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