Farewell (for now!)


What a pleasure it was to be your 2018 co-presidents. We both learned a lot and enjoyed seeing all of you guys grow just as much as we did. Stepping down from the role is bittersweet but we are more than certain that the 2019 brigade will be a huge success and can't wait to hear all about it.

We want to give a special thanks to Karen and Lisa for doing a lot of the work behind the scenes. We would not have been able to do all of this without you!

And a big thanks to Brenda and Phyllis for going with us and helping make sure things ran smoothly!!

As for all of you amazing brigaders, we're going to miss you. As this chapter closes, please remember all of the amazing work you've done. When life gets you down, recall this life changing experience and realize that even though you're just one person, you've created a ripple effect in these communities that will surely permeate and help future generations. Not to mention that impact that you had on each other! Remember the positive impact you've made, all that you've learned, and go from there. You're all worth so much and we both know you're going to make the field(s) you go into better. We thank you.

Take care,

Jen & Casey


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