Hello everyone.

Here's hoping that you all enjoyed the nice long weekend as well as the beautiful weather it brought!

I want to start right off the bat with an announcement concerning the upcoming Global Brigades Exchange on March 3, 2013 from 9:00AM-5:00PM held at UC Davis.  

The GB Exchange is a single-day, completely FREE, event during which Global Brigades volunteers from around San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland, Davis, Santa Cruz and all across northern California will gather to meet other like-minded students, share best practices in fundraising and recruiting, learn about more job and internship opportunities and discuss sustainable development practices in the communities in which we work. 

Registration for this event is due TOMORROW February, 21st, 2013 at 8:00PM. Again, it's free to register and this would be an excellent opportunity to meet other brigaders, shares ideas about fundraising techniques, and overall learn more about Global Brigades and how you, as a member, are actively taking part in bettering the conditions of the developing world.

I've already registered and you should too! (Maybe we could carpool!) And for those of you who are planning to transfer to UC Davis, this would also be an excellent opportunity to visit your future university! 

I will forward everyone the email that Karen sent me concerning the Exchange, but here's where you can register and save your seat! 

Register for the GB Exchange!

In other news, I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who participated in the Valentine's Day fundraiser. The booth looked beautiful and I felt so inspired seeing so many members taking the time to come and support Medical Brigades. We were able to make ~$160 and then some from staff! This money will go to purchasing medicine and medical supplies needed for the brigade in August. Not only are events like these for raising money, but they also act as a great may to expose our club and make Brigades known to Foothill College and the community. 

Concerning the position of Co-VP of Medicine, voting is still open! Make sure to read the written statements of the candidates below and cast your vote! Voting will close tomorrow Thursday, February 21st at 8:00PM. We plan to introduce the new Co-VP of Medicine to the club at the next meeting on Friday. Remember, Co-VP of Medicine is a huge role and will most likely require an entire committee. So, if you still want to be a part of collecting supplies and medicine, there's plenty of room for more members to help. On Friday's meeting, we will discuss different fundraising techniques for collecting medications.

Our double wide space for the De Anza Flea Market has officially been booked! This will occur on March 2nd, on a Saturday. I hope you have all been collecting donations. Remember: it's a flea market, so anything goes! We have secured a room at Foothill in which we can store donations. So, if you have donations you wanted to have us hold until the event, please contact the club email and we'll schedule to meet with you. We will be collecting donations until March 1st, 2013. Also, Brigades will have a face painting booth at the flea market, so we plan to have a practice session at the next meeting. So, bring your artsy game! If you are available to volunteer for the flea market, please put your name down on the google doc sign up sheet.

De Anza Flea Market Shifts

Lastly, I'd like to end with a video of our August 2012 brigade that our past president, Yasmin Taghikhan, made. I'm seeing a lot of new faces every meeting and I'm sure you all have many questions about what a brigade actually looks like and what role we as brigaders play during the process. Remember to keep yourself informed by reading the wikidot site for Global Brigades provided for you on the far right under Links

Medical Brigade 2012 (Foothill College)

See you all on Friday.


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