Co-VP of Medicine Online Election

Thank you, Jansey Lagdamen and Vivian To for submitting your written statement for the position of Co-VP of Medicine.

Brigaders, please read the following statements written by Vivian and Jansey. Once finished, cast your vote to the club email provided on the right under About Us. Please have the subject of your email be Position of Co-VP of Medicine Vote and then write the name of the candidate of your choice in the body of the email. That's it!

We plan to introduce the new Co-VP of Medicine at the next meeting on Friday, February 22nd, 2013. So, voting will close on Thursday, February 21st, 2013 at 8:00PM.  There's no reason why you shouldn't submit your vote right after reading this post! Enjoy the long weekend.

Jansey Ladgamen

Hello Brigaders!

My name is Jansey Lagdamen and I would like to run for the Co-VP of medicine position because I want to get more involved with the club and use may past experiences to help make it even better. I was president of the Biology Student Association at San Jose State University, where I helped students participate in scientific research, with faculty members, along with the scientists and engineers at NASA.  I also worked with UCSF in getting students informed about their various healthcare programs. I like doing community service and have traveled with a group of students and staff members to participate in service in Louisiana to help rebuild houses badly affected by hurricane Katrina. I currently volunteer at Stanford Hospital and Clinics assisting the nurses at the intermediate intensive care unit and have enjoyed it. The cause is what drew me to join the Medical Brigades and I am looking forward to learning more about the club!

Thank you,

Jansey Lagdamen

Vivian To

Hello everybody, my name is Vivian To and I am interested in running for Co-VP of medicine. The main reason why I am interested in this position is the fact that I am trying to get a degree/major in pharmacy and I believe that if I got this position, it will allow me to gain experience and knowledge of the medicine world.  Another reason why I would like run for this position is I want to be involved as much as I can and I believe running for this position will allow me to participate in more things then just as a bridgader.
            Although I do not have an experience in the field of healthcare or pharmaceutical I believe I will be a good candidate. One reason why I believe I’ll be a good candidate is I am friendly and sociable which will allow me to talk and try to recruit a professional to help store our medication. Another reason why I believe that I would be a good candidate for this position would be how I am organize and efficient in getting what I need to get done, done. If I could be Co-VP medication, I will do my best and spend my time in trying to get as much medication as I can.
If I was able to get this position, I will do my best to contribute as much as I can for the club.  Since it is my third year at foothill, I have complete most of my criteria but still need to finish a few so I have a lot of free time to offer. Along with time I could offer, I can come up with new ideas, help the other club officers if they need it and just become another person who can make the trip to Honduras happen. 


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