Upcoming Events/ Important Dates

Hola, Brigaders!

Below you will find a list of our upcoming events/fundraisers and deadlines! Please remember that we need EVERYONE'S help! If you want to help out but you're not quite sure how to, shoot us an email, message either one of us (you all have our numbers), or come up to us if you see us walking around campus!

Upcoming Events/ Important Dates:

April 20: GB Deposit Deadline #1 ($250 to secure spot on brigade)

April 21: Community Wellness Day and Oral Cancer Walk (club participation)

April 30: Mandatory meeting~ 5:30pm ~ Foothill Campus

May 15: Foothill College Blood Drive (American Red Cross; sponsored by club)

May 17: FC Research and Service Leadership Symposium
May 29: GB Deposit Deadline #2 ($900 ~ cost of airfare ~ in account)

June 2: Possible Flea Market #3 or #4 (depending on May date)

July 14: GB Deposit Deadline #3 (final ~ total amount due)

July 28: Mandatory Meeting #1 for all going to Honduras

August 4: Mandatory Meeting #2 (packing day) for all going to Honduras

August 11-17: Brigade to Honduras!!!

Please Read:
We now have our mandatory meeting dates set. We are letting you know well in advance so that you can ask for the day off if you work. We need EVERYONE to attend! If you know you will not be able to attend, please contact us asap. 

Huge thanks to everyone who has helped us out with our fundraisers and getting donations! We will be having a biweekly Brigader Spotlight post to thank those who have been helping us out and so that you can learn a little more about your fellow hardworking brigaders! Keep an eye out!

We may or may not have a Q&A panel with healthcare professionals. We will keep you all updated. 

~Jen & Casey 


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