Hi Brigadiers,

I hope everyone is doing well! We only have a few weeks left, so keep it up! There are couple of dates and prices that have changed. Also, there are just some general piece's of information I want to go over, about each mandatory meeting.

Empowered Deposit date, June 12th
- The total requirement has changed back to 800! We found a cheaper flight, so this enables us to bring it back down to 800 from 950.

Empowered Deposit date, July 28th
- The required total is back down to $1725. This is the last payment and the the overall amount you need in your account.

Mandatory Meeting #1
- We had a pretty good turnout for both of the dates(5/26,5/30). For anyone that still has not scheduled a meeting with Swaran, do so now. The information in the meeting is invaluable to your trip. Swaran also sent out an email that contained the presentation. Look over it when you have the chance!

Mandatory Meeting #2
- July 11th, from 10:30-2:30, is the next required meeting. This meeting is very important for your experience throughout the trip. We will have instructors giving out lessons on:vitals, fluoride, charla, and pre-brigade curriculum. The pre-brigade curriculum is required to be read, by everyone. If you can not attend this meeting, CONTACT SWARAN. You will need to go over the curriculum by yourself. It will be on you to understand it and read it thoroughly.

Mandatory Meeting #3
- The last meeting is August 8th, tentatively. This meeting will be a packing party, essential to the motions of the trip. We will be packing all the medications from Blessings and donations. Also, this will give you a chance to meet everyone before the trip, because who wants to go with a bunch of strangers?!

Have a good day everyone!
-Shahil Sharma


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