Salut, Brigaders! Wow! Another week came and went. This month really is just zipping by!

Alright so, first things first:

Attention to all 2012 Brigaders:
If anyone is available on Tuesday,  January 29th from 3:00PM-3:15PM to accompany me to the ASFC Budget Request hearing and talk about your experiences in Honduras, please let me know. Foothill College Medical Brigades club has recently requested for ASFC's financial assistance so that the $750 contribution fee that each member is required to make in order to participate in the brigade will be covered. Being granted the amount we requested (or even just a portion!) would make an amazing contribution to the success of the brigade. One of the main conflicts Gabe and I encounter is students that are very interested in coming on the brigade but are unsure if they are able to make the financial commitment. I will give a short 15 minute presentation while I ask for 2-3 2012 Brigaders to share a bit about their experiences on the brigade to give the board a little more insight on our cause. So, if this time does not conflict with your schedule and you would like to come and represent Brigades at the hearing, please let me know. The best way to get in contact with me would be through my personal email,, or the Foothill College Medical Brigades club email,

Brigades is looking for another Co-VP of Medicine:
One of our Co-VP's of Medicine had to attend to business on the East coast and we are unsure of when he will return to California. In his absence, we are looking for another member who is willing to assume the position of Co-VP of Medicine. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the duties entitled to a Co-VP of Medicine, they are stated in the Foothill College Medical Brigades Constitution as follows:

(a) Coordinate the acquisition and storage of medication and medical supplies to be donated to
the yearly medical brigade.

(b) Recruit and serve as a contact for a Licensed Health Professional who will maintain and
provide storage for said medications and medical supplies.

 You will be provided with a medical supply list in which you and Garrick will be responsible for obtaining all the supplies listed. You will also recruit a Licensed Health Professional. A Licensed Health Professional may include an M.D., D.O, N.P., or P.A.

Now, I know that assuming this position (or any leadership position for that matter) may seem heavy and a bit daunting, especially for those of you who are new to the club, but it doesn't have to seem this way! It is important to remember that none of us are alone in this. You will have the help of your Co-VP, Global Brigades, and the entire Foothill College Medical Brigades club. One of my professors once told me that you should always strive to reach places in which you are unfamiliar and to always attempt things in which you are unsure of the outcome. So, if you have never pictured yourself as much of a leader here's your chance to learn a bit more about yourself! 

If you're interested in this position, you can notify Gabe or myself via email or at the next meeting. 

Fundraisers, fundraisers, fundraisers!

Last week's meeting was full of new faces all of which were eager to get more involved! Here's the list of our upcoming fundraisers and the corresponding committees:

  • Valentine's Day Fundraiser (2/14): Hana, Andy, Garrick, Amanda, Vivian, Joe, Eden, Runrun, and Beniel
  • De Anza Flea Market (3/2): Yasmin, Edgar, Vivian, Amanda, Eden, Saleem, Hong, Berrah, and Benial
  • Escape Fire Movie Screening (3/8): Gabe, Berrah, Hong, Amanda, Hana, Vivian, Runrun
  • Dana Street Benefit Concert (3/23): Benial, Andy, and Hana. 
  • Doughnuts and Coffee Fundraiser (TBA): Hana, Berrah, and Gabe
This is a great start, but we could always use more members! So, if your name is not on here but would like to become part of a committee, let us all know at the next meeting.

Speaking of fundraisers...

One of Beniel's musician friends has agreed to play for the concert! Check her out!

 Since Dana St. gave us a time slot from 8:00PM to 10:00PM, Beniel thought it would be a good idea to have more than one artist perform. So, stay tuned for future updates on artists.

Bowling anyone...?
Gabe and I thought it would be a good idea to a hold an informal meeting (more just like a hang out) off campus Saturday, February 2nd, 2013. This would be a good opportunity for those of you who cannot make the weekly meetings to get caught up and get to know other members. Also, you're more than welcome to bring your friends or anyone else who wishes to tag along. So, if you guys are down to throw some bones and blow off some steam after midterms, come out next weekend! We'll keep you posted on the time and location.

Hana Arumi


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